Contact Us

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5 Havelock Terrace
London, England, SW8 4AS
United Kingdom


At our award winning boutique, Little Bevan, we design and produce mini luxe childrenswear for every special occasion. Clothes to treasure that children love to wear.

Visit Us

Full address and contact details, map and tips for how to find us.


~ Visit Our Creative Studio ~

Please note: we have moved out of our Battersea studio and have yet to establish a new home! Please email with your enquiry to see if we can help to create your ideas..


Address & contacts


Opening hours

By Appointment Only!

Working part-time hours

Our designer is very happy to arrange private appointments either online, or to visit you in central London, by arrangement.


For the moment our designer is based from home in Pimlico, London SW1.


We can arrange Whatsapp video calls, or Zoom appointments to ‘meet’ and discuss ideas; or private appointments may be arranged in central London.